Sometimes when you feel lonely...

Words of Inspiration: God is always with you!


There are a lot of situations in your life when you feel you are completely have no one to support you, no one to comfort you...never feel weak...never feel lonely...

You are never are strong enough to get through all the situations...Do you really need someone to support you at every phase of your life? Never do that to yourself...As when you will not find that support, you will feel yourself to be the loneliest person on this earth.

I completely agree that everyone of us needs at least one person in our life, to be with us in every even and odd situation of our life. But what if we do not have any such person? Are we not capable enough for supporting ourselves? We are!

If you start supporting yourself and feel that you never need any other person to support you, you will never ever feel lonely or broken in any phase of your life. 

Be strong, be yourself...Try to tackle with situations alone...Nowadays no one will come and support you without any selfish needs..Rare lucky people have that support with them..They are really lucky..

Never rely on only on yourself...Have faith in God..Be prepared to face even the worst situation that comes in your life...Never feel lonely...If you have faith in yourself, God will always help you get through...

God Bless :)


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